Affordable Retirement in Texas

Retiring in Texas could be good for your pocketbook.

In their extensive study, WalletHub ranked all 50 states for the qualities retirees look for. Texas is the third most affordable state. Jill Gonzalez from WalletHub explains.

"It looks at cost of living, tax friendliness on things like pensions and social security income, general taxes, estate or inheritance taxes, and the cost of in-home services."

Overall, Texas ranks 17th - right behind Minnesota "which outranked Texas when it came to things like affordable health care," Gonzalez adds. "Texas came in 37th in Quality of Life which looks at a wide range of things like the number of fellow retirees in the state, for social comfort, the share of the population in poverty, the mildness of the weather, how much shoreline the state has, and things like golf courses, museums, theaters and bingo halls!"

Sounds like we need more Bingo Halls, we have the Golf Courses!

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