Why the GOP hasn't come up with a good alternative to Obamacare

The GOP hasn't come up with a healthcare plan in large part because it hasn't had to since being hijacked by the impeachment process and other liberal attempts for political unrest.

GDP Advisors co-founder and chief strategist Seth Denson said Republicans can't seem to get in alignment on anything to repeal and replace Obamacare.

"First of all, why would the Republicans try to come up with anything knowing that Nancy Pelosi and the House of Representatives would never pass anything," said Denson.

Eventually, the impeachment process will be over.

"Once we're past the primaries, Republicans are going to have to come up with something to show the American people that they can actually legislate," said Denson.

He said Republicans will come up with a formulated healthcare plan this year after the election.

Until then, monthly, if not weekly, the president is doing more for healthcare with executive orders by lowering prescription drug costs and requiring transparency for hospital systems.

"Both of which will do more to improve healthcare in the United States than the entire Republican replacement bill that was put forth in 2017," said Denson.

He said expect to see more out of Health and Human Services this year.

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