So far 'Medicare for All' is little more than a fantasy

Many of the democratic Presidential hopefuls are talking about 'Medicare for All' without having any idea how to pay for it. Estimates are it would cost three trillion dollars per year and nearly double our current "drunken sailor" level of spending. One idea is a 42% national sales tax!

America's Money Answers Man Jordan Goodman says a national sales tax won't pay for it and neither would a value added tax.

"It's charged at each stage of the production level, at the wholesale level, at the retail level; so it's not something you see explicitly, but it raises the price of everything."

Goodman says even if we do find a way to nationalize health care, doctors won't want it.

"I think a lot of doctors would retire or give up; because they would be reimbursed at much, much lower rates and they wouldn't put up with it."

Who wants to go to school for a dozen years if you still can't afford a Porsche?

Some supporters of nationalized health care point to Scandinavia and say "see, it works there." But many of those countries have populations of around five million; Sweden is the largest at around $12-million -- less than half the Texas population.

"The Scandinavian countries have very low populations compared to ours and much less diverse as well, so it's easier to give national health insurance to five or 12-million people than it is for 330-million with a lot of immigrants coming in all the time, as well."

Goodman says none of the democrats have offered a plan that comes anywhere close to paying for 'Medicare for All.'

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