The only thing Wall Street has to fear is fear itself

Most news headlines are about something bad, but it seems no one cheers for doom like financial reporters -- at least during the Trump administration. We were told to watch out for a bad August on Wall Street and now we're being told to watch out for a rough ride in September.

Michael Smith at Houston's STA Wealth Management says don't let fear from news headlines guide your decisions.

"If by now emotions are driving your investing then you're in for some really bad situations; I think you have to have a discipline."

Smith says if the doom and gloom headlines have you freaking out, maybe you should get some help.

"I'd say find somebody that can manage for you and do a better job because of not using their emotions."

A USA Today story claims, over the past 50 years, September has been the worst month for stocks.

It appears many of the financial reporters are democrats, wishing, hoping and praying for a recession because they think it'll get President Trump voted out of office. Smith says don't panic.

"With the fourth quarter of last year and how the summer looked investors should be prepared for volatility. However, headlines are going to be out there and you've got to, by now, be managing risks so you avoid the emotions headlines tend to get."

September has been a tough month for news in recent years, with 9/11 and the 2008 Lehman Brothers bankruptcy.

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