Sleeping in Separate Beds

Sleeping woman with open mouth

About 25% of married couples sleep in separate beds, according to a National Sleep Foundation study, and 10% sleep in separate rooms.

Snoring is the most common reason given.

Is that a sign of a problem in the marriage?

No, says divorce attorney Lene DeRudder, who says it’s a sign that someone’s not getting enough sleep, and that can be bad for their health.

“People sleep in different rooms because they need to get some rest, and they can‘t because one person is snoring too much. But as a divorce attorney you’re not seeing that as a cause that people are getting divorces,” she tells KTRH News.

Sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain, car accidents, poor immune response, depression, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and emotional health issues more often than it will lead to a divorce. Snoring can be a sign of health concerns.

“You might need to push your spouse to get a sleep apnea test, or wear the ‘scuba dive mask,” In a worst case scenario go sleep in another room and be well rested and communicate kindly with each other the next day,” DeRudder suggests.

A 2017 study found couples who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to fight and become hostile to one another.

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