Word on the street--US or bust for migrants from other countries

The word is out that America has open borders and sanctuary cities, which has brought a surge of Africans who might have ties to ISIS flocking here.

Center for Immigration Studies finds the amount of migrants from Africa, Congo, Cameron and Ghana is spiking sharply to numbers never seen before.

CIS senior national security fellow Todd Bensman said many don't have IDs and could be persecutors.

"The Democrat Republic of Congo is rife with an ISIS franchise that is murdering people left and right, rampaging tribal militias that are competing with one another to conduct the greatest atrocities," said Bensman.

He said Columbia has issued about 35,000 temporary permisos to migrants from impoverished countries in turmoil on their way to Panama.

He said basically anyone who can get the airfare to Ecuador can eventually make it to America.

"Fly into Ecaudor because Ecuador requires no Visas whatsoever, and then take a bus to Columbia, get through Panama and then on up through Central America to Mexico and our border," said Bensman.

He added Democratic presidential candidates what to implementing a martial plan for Central America to bolster their economy in an effort to stop illegal immigrants. But, will a martial plan extend to other impoverished countries?


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