(AUDIO): Houston Firefighters FIGHT BACK In Ongoing Dispute With Mayor

Marty Lancton with the Houston Professional Firefighters association talks with with Michael Berry:

“If it’s your mother, your father, your wife, your husband, your son, your daughter; and something happens to them, and there is not somebody on your worst day, to respond in time; I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the blood is on Mayor Turner’s hands.”


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Here is more with Lancton with Michael Berry:

At noon today, the Mayor Turner and County Judge Hidalgo will hold a joint news conference to discuss the ITC fire.

In a news release, the Mayor's office says:

"The Houston Health Department is proactively conducting air quality monitoring in neighborhoods near the site. Additional City of Houston resources are being provided to contain the fire as quickly as possible."

No word on if he's is expected to comment on Prop B, the Firefighters march on City Hall or a response to the local firefighter's association.

Stay tuned to KTRH for more on this developing story.

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