Paid family leave might unite Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill

President Trump is the first president to include in his budget a plan for nationwide paid family leave-so that every new parent has the chance to bond with their newborn child.

Advocates say the first few months is crucial for attachment and bonding the child to the parents.

Houston lawyer and political consultant Chris Carmona attended the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland. He said when Ivanka Trump spoke about making paid family leave a cornerstone of a Trump administration, the crowd erupted.

"It wasn't a conservative issue, it wasn't a liberal issue, it wasn't a progressive, it wasn't Republican, Democrat, it was an American issue and it was an issue that would unite families and, hopefully, bring a sense of family back to America," said Carmona.

He said this could be something everyone can support.

Carmona said it won't be a full-salaried, rather start off with some form of compensation.

"I think you'll see somewhere close in the, you know, 15 to 20 percent, maybe 25 percent to start off with. And, it eventually work its way up over time to see how the market can take that," said Carmona.

Several major corporations support the policy, just needs to be sensitive to how small and mid-sized businesses could pay for such a program.

He said America rates one of the lowest when it comes to developed countries with paid medical leaves. For example, Bulgaria funds 70-80 percent of someone’s salary or pay.

He says if a bill gets introduced and passes, it would be a positive impact for the Trump administration and 2020 election bid.


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