POLL: What Would You Give Up To Never Get Sick?

Flu season hearkens and there is a 20% chance you’ll come down with the aches, the pains, tossing cookies, and hugging porcelain – the horror and misery of being sick.

What if by some magic means it were possible to trade…something…anything…for the promise that you would never have to confront illness again?

What would you be willing to give up?

29% of people would give up caffeine.

29% say they would give up social media.

“WHAT PEOPLE WOULD GIVE UP FOR PERFECT HEALTH Social media 29 percent Caffeine 29 percent Sex 21 percent Watching TV shows/movies 18 percent Vacation time 17 percent”

In our informal KTRH survey of working Houstonians, we found a hesitant “beer” made the list.  “Anything” was a popular choice.

A survey conducted on behalf of The Vitamin Shoppe finds we are also willing to change behaviors to avoid getting sick:

“Washing their hands more often 67 percent Taking vitamins and/or supplements 66 percent Sleeping a healthy amount 56 percent Eating more fruits and vegetables 55 percent Drinking tea with honey 53 percent”

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