It's called “the late train” – the time of year when politicians across Texas grovel for last-minute political funding ahead of the legislative session.
“Most of the money being raised, unless you're one of the statewide leaders, is probably in $100 to $500 increments, and you're not going to buy a whole lot with $100 to $500 increments,” says Harvey Kronberg at TheQuorum Report.
Kronberg says it's one more wink or nod to a state representative or senator by those lobbying legislation.
“Generally the rule of thumb in all legislative politics is 'For my friends I do favors, and for everybody else they get good government,'” he says.
State law does not allow fundraising during the session, so the rush is onto meet the blackout deadline of December 9.
“Money received especially late or money when you're in a hard-fought battle the polls show you're within three points, those are the people you remember when push comes to shove during the session,” says Kronberg.