Do You See Ghosts?

Many People See Ghosts
By iHeartMedia’s Sally Adams

Ghosts will probably visit your house tonight - demanding Snickers and 3 Musketeers. It’s scary to know that SIXTY PER CENT of Americans say they have seen REAL ghosts!  Syndicated overnight broadcaster George Noory often speaks to people who see spirits. He says more people see ghosts now – and admit it - than ever before. “I think people are becoming more in tune with the supernatural. They are beginning to realize that their physical life carries on into the hereafter.” 

Sadly, or maybe happily, Noory says spirits of the dead have alluded him personally.  “I have two family members who have passed on – but I haven’t had any visitation from them at this time.”  One “interesting” thing he DOES see is the occasional “shadow rodent” (a small very dark rat- or armadillo-shaped creature) cross in front of his car at night! No, he doesn’t know what they are either!

You can hear Noory's radio show, Coast to Coast AM every late night on KTRH. He and his guests discuss more than ghosts. They cover all kinds of paranormal phenomena, time travel, alien abductions, conspiracies and all things curious and unexplained.

And if you WANT to see a ghost tonight, try one of the many haunted tours in and around Houston.  Here are a few to visit:

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