Democrats try to capitalize on ‘Abolish ICE’ movement

Agents Patrol Texas Border To Stop Illegal Immigrants From Entering U.S.

Democrats in Washington tried to take advantage of the ‘Abolish ICE’ movement we have seen going on for the last month. They even have come up with legislation that would get rid of the agency.

It is legislation that some Democrats, like Houston's Fran Watson, who ran and lost a bid for the Texas Senate, think is a good idea.

“The funding that we use for ICE we can actually use to fix our immigration system,” Watson said.

But State Senator Charles Perry told KTRH that bill is one of worst ideas he has heard of.

“We have people that do not understand the times that we are in. The fear I have is that people really believe this,” Perry explained.

But a lot of you actually don’t. Only 18% in a recent Fox News poll favored getting rid of ICE. In fact, when House Republicans told Democrats that they are ready to vote on their 'Abolish ICE' bill, the Democrats turned around and said they would vote against it.

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