Cable News Poo-Poos Trump Summit

Liberal media outlets continue to downplay President Donald Tump's summit with North Korea Kim Jong-Un by undermining its significance and overall results.

Just because something hasn't happened before doesn't mean it's historic,” said one commentator.

Any previous president could have easily had a summit with any previous leader of North Korea,” griped another.

NewsBusters' Scott Whitlock says the reaction to Trump's Singapore Summit was expected considering nine out of ten stories since his election have been negative.

Some of these liberal journalists on MSNBC and CNN simply can't accept good news even if it may mean good news for the country,” he says.

One of the hosts said Trump is sleep deprived and probably too jet-lagged to know what's going on for the summit. It's the kind of nasty, snarky, sarcastic, whatever you want to call it, comment that you would usually see strictly from opinion journalists.”

Whitlock also believes there's a realization the so-called "blue wave" may not be coming in November.

The new kind of meme or term is 'street fight,' it's going to be a street fight, it's going to be district by district,” he says. “That is a far cry from what they were fantasizing about, this idea that all Republicans are going get swamped.”

He says there a slight shift among the networks who did at least acknowledge the summit as a victory for Trump.

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