More Republicans question Trump; will they get hurt in November?

President Trump

Even though the economy is doing well, and even though President Trump has delivered on many of his campaign promises, there are more Republicans starting to take sides against him, especially with fears of a trade war growing. Will this hurt them when it comes to the midterm elections in November?

It might not here in Texas, where Ted Cruz has taken sides against the President in the past, most notably in 2016. Political analyst Jacquie Baly says Texas Republicans don't want their lawmakers to be pushovers.

“We don’t want people to just say yes. But with the way the economy is going and all of the positives coming from this President Republicans don’t want the party to be the main obstruction, either,” Baly explained.

And therein lies the split in the party, between the establishment and conservative wings. And the establishment seems to be on the ropes in a trend started by Cruz in 2012.

“At first he was really the only one, but now you are seeing more of that in the conservative base,” Baly stated, adding that you will continue to see those two groups fight it out for the power base in the GOP.

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