“Caring for the Caregiver”event and expo April 14

Caring for a terminally ill loved one is so difficult because it’s a 24/7, 365-day a year job. The caregiver usually stops going out with friends or taking care of themselves.

Kelsey Seybold Clinic associate medical director of hospital services and managing physician for Supportive Medicine Dr. Rupesh Nagim said burnout is one of the biggest challenges that caregivers face.

“Nobody plans to be a caregiver way in advance. Life happens and you react. It ends up being a full-time job for a lot people. And, if your caregiver is living with you, then there are no breaks,” said Nagim.

He said caregivers can look to resources like online message boards. 

Also, not every patient needs to end up in a nursing home. Respite care will look after loved ones temporarily. Social workers at the Department of Aging and Disability, adult daycare and churches can also be good resources.  A terminal diagnoses doesn’t necessarily mean hospice.

Nagim said his best advice to someone who is beginning the journey as a caregiver is to learn as much as you can about the disease process and what to expect, instead of being left in the dark, being clueless.

“Find out what the disease process is, as soon as your loved one is diagnosed with one and know what to expect in time,” said Nagim.

Come and hear from experts who understand the complicated world of caregiving at the 

Caring for the Caregiver Event & Expo

Presented by Kelsey-Seybold Clinic –Supportive Medicine

10 am – 3 pm 

Saturday, April 14

Berthelsen Main Campus

2727 West Holcombe Blvd.

Houston 77025

RSVP at info.kelsey-seybold.com/caregiver

Respite Care is available onsite, if you need to bring your loved one with you.

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