‘Tis the Season to be Sneezin!

It’s the season for sniffing, coughing and itching.  Kelsey Seybold Allergist Dr. Eric Sandberg explains how allergies work to make us feel so miserable.  “There are some people who breath pollen and develop an allergic reaction.  Creates inflammation to the nose and eyes. Some poor souls actually breath it down into their lower respiratory tract and can get asthma symptoms.”

It looks like this year may be a tough one. The Weather Channel's Mark Thibodaux gives us his forecast. “The tree pollen is really going to be bursting…lots of cedar pollen is branching out in March and everything else follows into April.  We have a bit of time to recuperate before ragweed season at the end of summer.”

Dr.Sandberg <PSI_END_OBJECT>says we can't avoid the pollen this year, and recommends over-the-counter meds --- especially flonaze and nazacort.  “But if you are highly allergic, plan ahead. You are going to have these symptoms every year at this time, so visit an allergist in early March to find out how the two of you can prevent some of these symptoms. 


Wishing you soft tissues and good airconditioning!

Picture idea…poor soul sneezing

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