Cruz warns Texas Republicans not to get complacent

Texas Senator Ted Cruz has a warning for Texas Republicans. Texas Democrats will turn out to vote in big numbers when the midterm election rolls around in November.

Cruz made those comments in a speech for the Fort Bend County Republican Party over the weekend, and party chair Jacey Jetton told KTRH he agrees with Cruz.

“We have a big job going into the election cycle to make sure we turn out and energize all of our Republican voters,” Jetton said.

Cruz faces what some see as a tough Democratic opponent in Congressman Beto O'Rourke, but what does O'Rourke stand for other than 'I'm not Ted Cruz?'

“If you listen to what he is saying you see a real sense of being an advocate for the state of Texas and looking at and solving real problems,” explained Matt Angle of  the Lone Star Project.

Angle says Democrats have a real chance in November.

“Texans vote for Texas, and I think democrats have the opportunity to build the type of coalition that wins,” Angle stated.

But no Texas Democrat has won a statewide race since 1994.

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