Diet Technique is More Strict Than Usual

Losing weight is the number one New Year’s resolution every year, yet only one percent of people will succeed, and then keep it off. Now, a new dieting method promises results.

You have to rewire your brain. Bright Line Eating author Susan Pierce Thompson said the brain is especially susceptible to the pull of addictive foods.

“This is not a program that says, ‘Oh, eat whatever you want, eat packaged foods, eat shakes and bars and supplements and all this stuff, all this fake stuff and get into a right-sized body. No!'” said Pierce Thompson.

She said they do things very different, like rejecting the notions of eating in moderation or that you have to exercise to lose weight. Once you lose the weight, then you can exercise.

Pierce Thompson said no flour of any kind because of the refining and processing. You can eat whole real food, not addictive ones like ANY form. Nothing is added to your food to make it sweeter including honey, agave or any kind of artificial or real sweeteners. Also, no snacking, no grazing.

“Honestly, if you give yourself license to eat all day long, that’s license to eat too much food. So we eat three meals a day and we’re able to automate those meals just like brushing our teeth,” said Pierce Thompson.

She added you have to measure your food and that structure equals freedom.

She said your brain could be blocking you from losing weight.

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