‘War on Christmas’ continues at colleges

President Trump makes a big deal over saying something as simple as ‘Merry Christmas.’ He says it’s okay to say that again now that he’s President. But, apparently some liberal college campuses haven’t gotten that message because the ‘War on Christmas’ continues.

At a recent called 'Respecting Religious Diversity,' students were told that Santa Claus, Christmas trees and the colors red and green were in appropriate at the University of Minnesota. Christmas food and parties were also targeted. Kyle Sheehan, the outgoing Chairman of the Rice University College Republicans, told KTRH this is ridiculous.

“I’m not sure what Christmas food is. Does that mean you can’t have cookies or ginger bread houses at your parties? I’m not exactly sure,” Sheehan said.

The Jewish holiday of Hanukkah was also targeted with the colors blue and white and menorahs also called inappropriate. Sheehan says Rice can be liberal, but he's never seen it this extreme.

“I haven’t seen anything Christmas related that has caught my eye, but I have seen other things that have just been rampant political correctness,” Sheehan explained.

A University of Minnesota spokesperson told Fox News the document laying this all out was 'guidance' it doesn't reflect any official policy.

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