President Trump is delivering on another campaign promise.
And that promise is to say 'Merry Christmas' freely once again.
“I told you we would be saying Merry Christmas again,” Trump said during a speech in Missouri this week.
Fox's Todd Starnes told KTRH the President backed that up by using 'Merry Christmas' on the Presidential Christmas card instead of 'Happy Holidays.'
“He’s been delivering on his campaign promises, and one of those promises was the idea of bringing the words ‘Merry Christmas’ back,” Starnes explained.
But Starnes also said not everyone has gotten the message; the ‘War on Christmas’ still exists.
“There is a department store chain called ‘Belk.’ This year they banished the Salvation Army bell ringers,” Starnes stated, adding that the Obama Administration went out of its way to make Christmas a secular holiday for all faith groups.