Trump dismantling Obama ‘legacy’

He may not have any big legislative wins yet, but President Trump is slowly dismantling the Obama legacy. He’s rolled back regulations, pulled the country out of agreements that he says weren’t good for America, and has started the ball rolling towards health care and tax reform. Yet, he’s not getting any credit.

In fact, all you hear is the mainstream, liberal media complaining about what he’s doing. Michael Johns, co-founder of the National Tea Party movement, told KTRH the mainstream media doesn't want Trump getting any credit at all.

“It’s a media structure that not only wants him to fail but wants him removed from office,” Johns stated.

Trump has also rolled back business regulations and has taken steps against the Iran Nuclear agreement.

“All of these are steps that were easily undone because they were not built as either legislation or as treaties that were ratified by Congress,” Johns explained.

But the only time you hear about it from the mainstream media is when they complain about what Trump has done.

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