Another proposal to overturn Obamacare is defeated in the Senate. The so-called "skinny repeal" lost by a margin of one vote, with Alaska Republican Lisa Murkowski, Maine's Susan Collins, and Arizona's John McCain voting against the bill.
Woodlands Congressman Kevin Brady, appearing on KTRH’s Houston’s Morning news, says he’s frustrated.
“Disappointing is not a strong enough word. For seven years we promised we would repeal Obamacare,” Brady said.
Texas Senator Ted Cruz says Republicans who promised to repeal Obamacare and did not vote for the bill will face a backlash from their constituents.
"The losers tonight are the people who believed in the democratic process; believed that actually when candidates run and say 'I will fight to repeal Obamacare', that that actually means they will fight to repeal Obamacare."
He says Democrats can't be counted on to collaborate with Republicans to create bi-partisan health care reform bill.
"I don't believe Democrats have any interest in doing anything productive. For seven years they have said to the millions of people hurting under Obamacare, 'we do not hear you; we are unwilling to do anything.'"
The "skinny repeal" plan would have eliminated some parts of Obamacare, like the individual and business mandates.
So what is the next step?
“I don’t know what the step forward is for the Senate,” Brady explained while appearing on KTRH this morning. “My point has been that you stay at the table and deliver real reform; real relief.”