It's Hot! These 5 Tips Will Spare Heat Exhaustion

Summer hasn’t officially arrived, but its heat sure has lately. Are you and your kids prepared for it – and for one of its main risks, heat exhaustion?

Hot summer temperatures bring risks of dehydration and heat illness, which affect thousands of people each year.

Whether working outdoors or participating in a vigorous activity like running, biking, tennis, or simply out for a modest walk or some yard work, a major consideration is avoiding heat exhaustion and dehydration, experts say.

Here are some facts about heat exhaustion from the doctors at U.S. HealthWorks:

--People most at risk for heat exhaustion: Older people and outdoor workers. Certain medications, including those for blood pressure, ADHD and anxiety, can increase an elderly person’s adaptation to the heat. Workers in construction, agriculture, landscaping, transportation and other outdoor jobs need to use caution.

--Symptoms of heat exhaustion: Dizziness, headache, fainting, nausea, weakness, lack of sweating or profuse sweating.

--Tips to remain hydrated: Carry a water bottle, especially when working outdoors or exercising.

--Plan strenuous activity early in the morning or in the evening when it's cooler. Wear light-colored, absorbent, loose-fitting clothes. For physical activity exceeding an hour, a sports drink with electrolytes and carbohydrates may be necessary. To lessen the sugar content from a sports drink, try diluting the liquid with water.

--How to prevent heat exhaustion: Take frequent water breaks, stay in shade and rest when needed.

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