We All Keep Secrets

One thousand people were asked about secrets – their secrets – and what topics we are are most inclined to keep to ourselves. Perhaps unsurprisingly, matters of finance were the number one category. “It’s one of the reasons pre-marital counseling is a good idea, because you need to understand where your potential spouse is in their spending habits, their mentality,” says licensed professional counselor supervisor Lori Vann. She defines secrets as anything that is hidden information, and says consequences are often why we keep them so close to the vest.

The study found, on average, we all keep about 13 secrets to ourselves, five of which we have never shared with a soul. And Vann says there is nothing at all wrong about that. “If it’s a co-worker or a friend or relative, there might be situations where they don’t need to know all the nitty-gritty details and that’s appropriate boundary setting,” she tells KTRH News.

The top three categories of secrets researchers found include:

· 60 per cent - a lie or financial impropriety

· 47 per cent - a violation of trust

· 33 per cent - theft, a hidden relationship, or discontent at work “Secrets” is defined in the dictionary as something that is done, made or conducted without the knowledge of others.

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