Sam Houston statue now subject of controversy

With statues of Confederate leaders being removed in New Orleans, a group calling itself ‘Texas Antifa’ is targeting the statue of Sam Houston in Hermann Park.

The group says it has the backing of Mayor Sylvester Turner, but the Mayor told our TV partner Channel 2 that’s not the case.

“It's not even on my agenda. I haven't even given it any thought," Turner said.

City Councilman Mike Knox told KTRH the group wanting the statue taken down is off base.

“They’ve been emboldened. They’re looking for another place to come. They’ve picked the wrong one. Texas is not Louisiana,” Knox explained.

And he adds the city will do what it can to keep the statue where it is.

“I’m sure we will do what we can to support the park keeping it,” Knox said. “If it is ours it will be up to the City Council to make that decision.

Texas Antifa may find it does not have the popular support it thinks it does.

"Honestly, I think they should keep it up. Yeah," Nicole Nelson said.

Another resident said removing the statue may cause more problems.

"It might alleviate some, some anger but it'll also create some anger on the opposite side that you're taking down a statue of a man who helped create the state and what it is today," Paul Stykitus, resident of Houston, said.

The group that wants the statue taken down says they'll hold a rally on June 10th. They also said they would not talk to the “fascist media.”

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