Border wall funding shrinks under Trump budget

President Trump’s budget, the one that has officially been proposed, calls for billions less in border wall funding than was expected. So will there be any political fallout from his supporters?

People like Maria Martinez with Stop the Magnet, a local anti-immigration group, told KTRH she understands getting the wall built is not a quick process.

“Everything has to be worked out. There are so many hands in the kitty so to speak,” Martinez stated.

This has led Texas lawmakers to provide another $800M for border security as they work on the budget in Austin. State Representative Dennis Bonnen says you can blame Washington Democrats.

“The Democrats are going to go to whatever ridiculous length they can find to stop President Trump from securing the border,” Bonnen told KTRH News.

Martinez says she's not going to abandon Trump over this, and neither will other supporters, simply because he's actually trying to fix the problem.

“We have a lot of patience. President Trump has gotten is further than we have ever been before,” Martinez said.

And certainly further than anything President Obama did in his eight years in office when it comes to securing the border and fixing the problem of illegal immigration.

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