Snowflake Management at American Schools may spread to the Workplace

If your son or daughter needs therapy dogs, Play-Doh and crayons to make it through the stress of finals week, it's probably fair to call him or her a snowflake. But a growing number of universities are offering such amenities and some think workplaces should, too.

Workplace culture expert Daren Martin says there's no question, most of these students are in for a culture shock when they graduate.

"Oh, they're absolutely going to run into culture shock because most workplaces suck."

Martin says research shows 71% of American workers are disengaged from their jobs because workplaces are not fun.

"Southwest Airlines says, and I completely agree, people rarely succeed at something unless they're having fun doing it and more companies should take a look at this."

Colleges say there's no doubt, treating the kids like snowflakes does relieve their stress.

"Science and data totally supports what they're doing; there's research after research to indicate that when people play and when they rest in between work they actually perform at a much higher level."

At Montana State University, students relieved stress by petting not just dogs but a 900lb donkey named Oliver. Students say it helped.

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