POLL: Your Smart Phone Addiction has a Name

It's called "nomophobia" -- no mobile phone phobia. It's the fear of being without your smart phone and it's paralyzing both kids and adults. Experts say about all parents can do is try to limit smart phone use.

Baylor Professor Dr. James Roberts says parents should create cell phone-free zones.

"The dinner table; in the bedroom when you're spending time with your kids or your spouse."

Dr. Roberts says another place to ban the phone is in the car.

"Put it in the trunk, don't leave it on your seat or wherever you could reach it and certainly mute it so you don't hear it. That would be the first small step toward regaining some control over your smart phone."

Dr. Roberts says the problem for most parents is that they're addicted to a smart phone too and it puts them in a "do as i say not as i do" situation.

But he says there are apps to monitor how much you use your phone.

"We can use smart phones against themselves; there are enough apps now that will monitor and curtail our smart phone use. I call that the 'hair of the dog' -- we can use technology against itself by limiting our access to technology through particular apps."

A small case study at Iowa State University found about half of teens are addicted to their smart phones.

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