Losing Sleep over Money Woes

We’re losing sleep over finances at rates that researchers haven’t seen in years.  Creditcard.com’s survey of 1,000 U.S. adults, Americans report losing sleep over health care in numbers that haven’t been seen since 2009, before the Affordable Health Care Act was passed.  “Retirement savings had been America’s biggest financial worry in recent years, but now it’s really all about health care,” says Matt Schulz, a financial analyst with the firm.  And the cause of concern isn’t an equal opportunity oppressor. “Gen Xers and Millennials are definitely the most likely to be losing sleep over money,” Schulz suggests.  73% of Gen Xers and 71% of Millennials report trouble staying asleep through the night, while only 59% of Baby-Boomers and 48% of the Silent Generation says they are suffering from similar concerns.  According to Schulz, retirement is still a concern for many.  “About 37% are losing sleep over retirement savings.”

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