What is the average woman looking for in a man, and does it really take scientists to figure that out?
It’s looks. Hollywood has known that since Rudolph Valentino graced the silver screen in a sexy turban and the women swooned. Women are attracted to good looking men. Dona Arp Weitzman is the author of Sex and the Siren: Tales of a Later Dater, and has made a study of what women of all ages want in a date. “They say people make their decisions in the first 10-12 seconds of seeing someone, and we’ll often make our decisions on how someone looks,” she tells KTRH News. Researchers divided women into two groups, one comprised of women ages 15 to 29, and another of older women ages 37 to 61. The younger women were asked to select a possible boyfriend from a group of photographs and descriptions, while their mothers were asked to pick a possible boyfriend for their daughter. It all came down to looks for both groups of women, according to the research published in the journal Evolutionary Psychological Science,” even when the profiles they were presented with described very desirable personal qualities including being respectful, honest and trustworthy. They almost always went for the best looking guys. “Think of Tom Cruise; he’s the good-looking boy-next-door. Brad Pitt. These are people who have basic good looks,” Weitzman says.