Trump has good week but gets no credit

Although the mainstream media won’t admit it, President Trump had a good week; a week that was capped off with a very positive jobs report.

It wasn't the only positive for the President, but it was the biggest one, and the establishment media preferred to credit former President Obama for that piece of good economic news. Political analyst Jacquie Baly told KTRH she thinks it's all payback on the part of the mainstream media.

“He’s made them irrelevant, and they are very angry. This is what we are seeing as an effect,” Baly explained. <PSI_END_OBJECT>

As for his accomplishments, Baly isn't surprised; she says few Presidents have the work ethic Trump has.

“I don’t think we’ve ever seen anyone with his work ethic. Reporters will say they get to the White House at the crack of dawn and his light is already on,” Baly said.

The President also signed the revised travel ban this past week, and news came that border apprehensions were down to their lowest point in five years.

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