The anti-Donald Trump protests that seem to be popping up constantly since Inauguration Day are not as spontaneous or organic as many on the Left would have you believe. The vast majority of them are actually the product of a group that was founded by former President Barack Obama. Organizing for Action (OFA) was formed in 2013 out of President Obama's 2012 campaign organization. It was OFA that helped generate the protests at airports across the country on the weekend after President Trump signed a temporary travel ban, and OFA has even put out a manual on how to take over and disrupt a town hall meeting.
This subversive effort to hurt a new president by the supporters of the old president has been called a "rolling coup" or "sabotage" by some critics. But longtime conservative writer, author and political commentator Jeffrey Lord is not surprised by it. "They want to take down the Trump presidency," he tells KTRH. "They did their best to fight it, and what really stings them is they were so sure they were going to win...they're just indignant about all of this."
Lord believes this is just the latest manifestation of the protest gene he has seen displayed by the Left since he graduated from high school in the 1960s. "This is what they do, the subject changes but the method of operation never changes," he says. "In today's world it was Occupy Wall Street for awhile, and now it's Trump."
With the power of social media today, a "spontaneous" protest can be ready in moments. "The moment the slightest thing happens, as with this Jeff Sessions deal, there will be protests outside the Justice Department," says Lord. "I mean they'll gin these things up wherever they feel they need to."
That means the White House better be prepared to fight back. "Social media is amazing," says Lord. "(The protesters) problem of course, is that Donald Trump understands how to use social media too, which I think is one of the reasons he's in the White House."