Nearly 100 people turned out for a local pro-Trump rally in Katy. Supporters gathered in the Park & Ride lot along Fry Rd and Interstate 10 as part of the nationwide effort to back the new president and his policies.
Organizers started with the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem. They talked of Trump’s plan to build a border wall and criticized Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez for pulling the department out of the 287(g) program, which trains deputies to determine the immigration status of jail detainees, and hold those who face deportation.
They also held a moment of silence for the Harris County girl, allegedly killed in a satanic ritual by gang members affiliated with MS-13.
A small counter protest was staged nearby, where people waved a Mexican flag and help up signs in Spanish and English.
Similar pro-Trump rallies were held around the country. Seven people were injured in Berkeley, California, where demonstrators clashed with rally participants; none of the injuries was serious. Similar incidents were reported in Washington state and Minnesota, where dozens of arrests were made.