How much voter fraud is there?

You’ve been hearing a lot about voter fraud, especially from President Trump, who has promised a major investigation after losing the popular vote to Hillary Clinton in November.

Some estimates say that anywhere from 38,000 to 2.8 million non-citizens voted in 2008. Hans von Spakovsky, the Senior Legal Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, told KTRH it's not something the mainstream media or some Democrats want to hear.

“They seem to use that as an excuse to oppose all efforts to improve election integrity. That makes you wonder if they want to cheat to win elections,” von Spakovsky said.

Some of the numbers have been scrutinized and downplayed, but von Spakovsky has done some research himself over the last 18 months.

“We started a database. We are already up to 450 cases around the country,” he stated.

Adding that a Pew study on voter fraud showed problems with outdated voter rolls and people that were registered to vote in multiple states, but did not take the additional step to see how many of those people who had been registered in multiple states were voting illegally.

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