Here are a couple of quick tips regarding palm trees and whether or not they will come back from the February freeze. Some very specific rules were included in my freeze recovery article of last month, and the two on palms are still applicable.
First, if fronds have flopped over or are hanging down, those can be pruned away at any time. However, fronds that are in their normal position, albeit golden or brown, should stay in position since they can work toward protecting the crown. Their upward pressure on the crown will keep it from opening up to insects or disease pressures.
The second rule reminds us that we will likely have to wait a couple of months before we know for sure if some palms are dead. It hasn’t yet been two whole months since the freeze, so we are still waiting. And here’s why: The weather has not been warm enough, long enough for palms that are still alive to push out new fronds. We’ve had many nights in the 40s over the past few weeks, so palms (tropical by nature) are not yet convinced it’s time. But several days of 80-degree highs are on the horizon, so those still alive are going to come back. You just may need to give them until May 1 … then, we will truly know what’s what. There’s a great old Aggie joke based on a philosophy class and knowing “what’s what,” but I’ll spare you.
See you Saturday at Ace Hardware City on Memorial Drive
From 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, I’ll be hanging out with all of you folks from the Memorial area, not far from my old childhood stompin’ grounds. I will be at Ace Hardware City, 14455 Memorial Drive, with my longtime Ace friend, Bahman Soltani, and his wonderful staff.
Bahman has been a longtime supporter of GardenLine protocols and has always carried as many recommended products as possible to help the people of Memorial and West Houston. His was one of the first Ace stores to carry MicroLife and Azomite, and he stocks both Nature’s Way and The Ground Up soils, compost and mulches. That’s not the norm, I assure you.
So, Bahman has what you need per my recommendations and what’s suggested in my book as well. And speaking of the book, he will be selling it for only $9.99 (regularly $14.95), so I hope that provides the impetus to buy multiple copies for friends, neighbors, coworkers and family. Help put it in the hands of people you know who really need it, since it’s essential in this time of freeze recovery for landscapes. And, of course, I’ll sign every copy while I’m there.
There will also be a couple of exceptional deals on Nitro-Phos: Sweet Green 11-0-4 for only $36.99 per bag (regularly $39.99) and Super Turf 19-4-10 for $29.99 per bag (regularly $36.39). And since we are in the heart of my fertilization schedule, those two products alone are reason to get to Ace Hardware City. But if can’t be there on Saturday, those special price breaks will be good Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Still, if you want a signed book or for me to be that “pair of eyes” on a sample problem, be there 11 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday.
PHOTOS: Randy Lemmon