El Paso Overrun With Illegals, They Are Being Dropped Off On City Streets

Border Patrol in the El Paso area are so overwhelmed with illegals they’ve been forced to release hundreds of them on city streets, creating homeless crisis.

Democrat city leaders says they are at capacity for dealing with these illegals, so are in talks with a private bus company to send up to four buses a day with illegal immigrants to NYC.

ElPasoMatters.org reports:

“Officials with the El Paso sector of the U.S. Border Patrol confirmed they released 133 Venezuelan male migrants to the streets on Wednesday, and another 350 of unspecified nationalities on Thursday. Some of those dropped off at the Greyhound Bus Station in Downtown spent the night on the sidewalks and benches around the station…
The release of migrants to the streets comes as Border Patrol agents in the El Paso region are encountering more than 1,000 migrants a day. Shelters that would typically take in the migrants after they’re processed and released are at capacity and in desperate need of volunteers.”

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