Dem Rep. Runs Attack Ad Against Biden, Even Though She Votes With Him 100%

Ohio Democrat Rep. Marcy Kaptur has served in congress since 1983 and she is fighting for her political life against Republican J.R. Majewski.

Cook Political reports rates the race currently as a “toss up”.

Biden is an albatross round the neck of every Democrat running for reelection during this midterm and they all know it. So you will be seeing a lot of ads of Democrats critical of Biden.

This one from Rep. Kaptur is especially noteworthy because according to, she votes with Biden 100% of the time.

As the New York Time also points out, “[T]he ad from Ms. Kaptur is a relative surprise. She appeared with Mr. Biden only a few weeks ago, greeting him at an airport in Cleveland where photos appear to show the president kissing her hand on the tarmac.”

Kaptur says in her ad:

“Joe biden's letting Ohio solar manufacturers be undercut by china, but Marcy captors fighting back working with Republican rob Portman protecting our jobs. Communist china's not happy neither extremist J. R. Majewski, He opposes Marcie's all of the above energy plan. Majewski let Ohio energy jobs die. But Marcy fights for every Ohio job Marcy Kaptur. She doesn't work for Joe biden. She works for you. I'm Marcy Kaptur and I approve this message.”

She’s so desperate to distance herself from sleepy joe, she has to lie about it.

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