Disturbing Video Shows Young Kids Cuss & Swing At Police Officers In Minn.

Sad and depressing to see these little kids cuss and try to physically attack police officers.

What are they learning at home.

The footage was recorded last week as police attempted to serve a search warrant in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Alpha News Sheila Qualls first wrote about the story, pointing out how “[I]t is a foreshadowing of poverty, prison, and even death.”

Qualls writes:

“The behavior of these children is eerily similar to the behaviors of rioters who burned and looted Minneapolis two years ago.
Children who can’t read or cross the street unattended hurled profanities and unabashed disrespect at law enforcement officers.
As they cussed, berated, and struck police officers with their fists, a bystander can be heard in the background encouraging the children by saying “Oreo head,” in reference to the black police officer at the scene.
This is a problem.
We need to solve it.
While the video content is disquieting, it is also preventable.
What’s the product of grooming children to disrespect police officers and other forms of authority? We are essentially training them to disregard societal norms of behavior and hindering them from achieving success in life. In short, we’re cultivating future criminals.
Add 10 years to the age of these children and their behavior would be deemed delinquent. Add 20 years to their age, and their faces might end up as pictures on T-shirts after a violent encounter with the law.”
The outcome, though not guaranteed, is predictable. Why? These children are the result of a social experiment gone bad. They are casualties of the War on Poverty introduced by the progressive left under President Johnson in the 1960s. Since that time, the black community and society as a whole have been suffering the consequences.
When children like these are eventually arrested or even killed because they have never learned to respect authority, progressives and the media use their deaths as an opportunity to advance the faulty narrative of inherent racism in America.
While the left constantly bemoans systemic racism, the evidence suggests something different. It does not point to racism. It does not point to white privilege. And it certainly does not point to police brutality. It points to the problem in the black community that no one ever talks about: the high percentage of fatherless homes."

Sheila Qualls discusses the shocking video with Jason Whitlock:

Jason Whitlock & Delano Squires with more on the video:

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