NYC Democrat Mayor: “Where Are All Those Who Stated Black Lives Matter?”

After several days of violent crime in NYC, Mayor Eric Adams is calling out the so-called activist for remaining silent on black-on-black crime.

Adams says:

“If Black lives matter, then the thousands of people I saw on the street when [George] Floyd was murdered should be on the streets right now stating that the lives of these Black children that are dying every night matter. We can’t be hypocrites…
…here is my question that I put out to the city: I thought Black lives mattered. Where are all those who stated Black lives matter? Then go do an analysis of who was killed or shot last night. I was up all night speaking to my commanders in the Bronx and Brooklyn. The victims were Black. Many of the shooters were Black.”

The truth is black lives never mattered to the BlackLivesMatter activists unless the case could be exploit by their grift and their enablers in the media.

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