State Hospital In R.I. To Allow COVID-Positive Employee To Continue Working

So in the eyes of the Rhode Island state government, the unvaccinated are more dangerous to be around than those that actually have COVID.

The Eleanor Slater Hospital, a state-run facility in Rhode Island, fired workers who refused the jab.

As a result, they are now facing a staffing crisis so they announced a new policy of allowing those who test positive to continue working.

Employees at the Hospital received a memo detailing the new policy that allows a COVID positive employees to remain on the job.

The Providence Journal reports:

"...the memo advised the employees that "those who are exposed or have a positive Covid test but are asymptomatic" can work "in crisis situations for staffing," as long as they wear N95 masks. 
The Rhode Island Department of Health has in recent days also opened that same last-resort, crisis-staffing option to COVID-19 infected health-care personnel at hospitals and skilled nursing homes who are "mildly symptomatic."...
The severity of the hospital worker shortage in Rhode Island has been a growing concern for weeks, with hospital leaders begging for relief on many fronts.”

How about hiring back the unvaxxed workers who were fired?

Rhode Island Republican State Senator Jessica Dela Cruz pointed out the obvious:

Joseph Wendelken, the State spokesman for the Department of Health says they will not bring back unvaccinated workers.  

Wendelken tells the Providence Journal:

“An unvaccinated healthcare worker is at greater individual risk, given how many COVID-19 positive patients are in facilities."

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