It Literally Rained Fish In Texarkana After Rare Weather Phenomenon

Hallelujah it’s raining m... fish.

It happened last week in Texarcana.

It a phenomenon is called ‘animal rain’ when small water animals like frogs, crabs, and small fish are swept up in waterspouts or drafts that occur on the surface of the earth...

During the “animal rain” phenomenon, the animals or in this case the fish can travel for miles in a cloud after getting swept up. Eventually, the cloud releases water, showering the animals caught up by the waterspout or draft to the ground as well. 

One man who was working at a car dealership told WCIA-TV “there was a loud crack of thunder, and when we opened up the bay door, I looked outside, and it was raining real hard, and a fish hit the ground, and then I said, 'It's raining fish!' ... fish were droppin' here and everywhere.” 

WCIA reported that the fish measured roughly 4-5 inches and looked to be young white bass

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