Sen. Cruz Warn Of Biden’s “Abolish The Police” U.S. Attorney Nominee

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz appeared with the Czar yesterday to discuss a Biden’s far-left radical nominee for US Attorney for Massachusetts, Rachael Rollins.

Note: jump to the 9:20 mark to hear Sen. Cruz's comments about Rollins.

He pointed out that as District Attorney for Suffolk County, MA, Rollings:

“...put out a list...of the crimes that they will not prosecute and they will dismiss.
Among them trespassing...shoplifting...minor in possession of alcohol...minor in possession of any drugs...possession with intent to distribute...threats, if people threaten you...breaking into a home to seek shelter.”

Here's his comments at the Judiciary Committee hearing yesterday.

He added in his interview with the Czar:

“think about it five years ago...socialism was a fringe thing....
Today...Bernie is the Chairman of the Budget Committee.This $3.5 trillion Bernie Sanders socialist budgets. And today just about every Democrat supporters Bernie Sanders socialist budget.”

During the interview with Czar, Sen. Cruz also touched on Sheila Jackson-Lee’s claim that the border was “sovereign and secure” and he also sang a little Charlie Daniels.

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