New York Gov From The Pulpit: Unvaccinated People “Aren’t Listening To God”

And suddenly, it’s cool again to invoke God in your political pursuits.

I thought the left demanded a separation of church & state and that politicians invoking God had us uncomfortably close to teetering on the brink of a theocracy.

Over the weekend, New York Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul spoke from the pulpit at the Christian Cultural Center in Brooklyn where she told Christians that God wants them to take the vaccine and if they refuse, they “aren’t listening to God.”

From the pulpit she said,

“we have to get this community back and what we went through this pandemic made us stronger. I believe that, especially when I talk to young people who weren't able to have their graduations from high school or a normal life for the last 18 months. I say to them whatever comes your way in life you are stronger. You are more resilient. God let you survive this pandemic because he wants you to do great things someday. He let you live through this when so many other people did not and that is also your responsibility. But how do we keep more people alive?
We are not through this pandemic. I wished we were but I prayed a lot to God during this time and you know what - God did answer our prayers. He made the smartest men and women, the scientists, the doctors, the researchers - he made them come up with a vaccine. That is from God to us and we must say, thank you, God. Thank you. And I wear my 'vaccinated' necklace all the time to say I'm vaccinated. All of you, yes, I know you're vaccinated, you're the smart ones, but you know there's people out there who aren't listening to God and what God wants. You know who they are.
I need you to be my apostles. I need you to go out and talk about it and say, we owe this to each other. We love each other. Jesus taught us to love one another and how do you show that love but to care about each other enough to say, please get the vaccine because I love you and I want you to live, I want our kids to be safe when they're in schools, I want to be safe when you go to a doctor's office or to a hospital and are treated by somebody, you don't want to get the virus from them. You're already sick or you wouldn't be there. We have to solve this, my friends. I need every one of you. I need you to let them know that this is how we can fight this pandemic, come back to normal and then start talking about the real issues that we have to - fighting systemic racial injustice which exists today and if there is a denier I will take you on every day because I've seen it, I know it exists and we're not going to have a blind eye to this ever again any longer under my watch. That is my commitment to you.”

This is all apart of the cult of the Coronavirus.

As Tucker Carlson put it last night, “America has not lost its religion. It's just replaced its religion. What's dying is the faith that created Western civilization—Christianity. In its place is a new creed, and like all religions, it has its own sacraments, its own sacred texts. It's the cult of coronavirus.”

He said about Gov. Hochul:

“Kathy Hochul is one of the high priestesses of this new faith. She's the governor of New York. No, no one voted for her as governor. And that seems odd for a politician, but it's typical for a faith leader. No one voted for Jim Jones either. Yesterday, Kathy Hochul held her first service as the leader of the New York Diocese of the Corona cult. Around her neck. She wore not a cross—that's yesterday's symbol—but instead a vaccination necklace. That necklace signified to the faithful gathered that Hochul is ascended to the select priesthood of those who have taken full intravenous communion. Listen to Bishop Hochul preach...
Now, it may sound unlikely to those of you used to the older faiths, but many are joining this new church. And for $39 right now on Amazon, you, too, can buy a sterling silver necklace that declares that you have been vaccinated—literally declares it just spells out in cursive "vaccinated." There's no mistaking what an incredibly good person you are. Everyone will see it. 
You can also buy vaccination bracelets and vaccination pins and vaccination earrings, vaccination shirts, vaccination socks. It's all right on Kathy Hochul’s church gift shop. Go there today. And while you're shopping, be certain to pick up a Tony Fauci prayer candle. In fact, get two. All good, decent people have more than one. 
For just $15 on Etsy, you can buy a patron saint of staying home prayer candle, that's a real thing. We read the reviews today. Here's one of them: "Love it! I think it may have to set up a little altar to place it on! There's a new convert. Here's another review from a woman called Kelly Hannan: "I put this in my office. I work in public health and this makes me smile every time I look at it." Of course it makes you smile. Kathy Hannan virtue is its own reward.”

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