So the credit card company comes out against capitalism. How’s that going to work out for them.
In order to get in on the George Floyd virtue signaling last year, executives at American Express created an “Anti-Racism Initiative” for employees.
The program was basically a critical race theory course that called capitalism ‘racist’.
Christopher Rufo obtained documents used in the training.
He writes in the New York Post:
"American Express, which made a $2.3 billion profit last quarter, invited the great-grandson of the Nation of Islam’s founder to tell its employees that capitalism is evil.
It was part of the credit card giant’s critical race theory training program, which asks workers to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities, then rank themselves on a hierarchy of “privilege.”...
At one high-profile “anti-racism” event, AmEx execs invited Khalil Muhammad — great-grandson of Nation of Islam founder Elijah Muhammad — to lecture on “race in corporate America.” He argued that the system of capitalism was founded on racism and that “racist logics and forms of domination” have shaped Western society from the Industrial Revolution to the present.
“American Express has to do its own digging about how it sits in relationship to this history of racial capitalism,” Muhammad said. “You are complicit in giving privileges in one community against the other, under the pretext that we live in a meritocratic system where the market judges everyone the same.”
Muhammad then encouraged executives to begin “the deep redistributive and reparative work” and to “lobby [the government] for the kinds of social policies that reflect your values.”
More, Muhammad argued, the company should reduce standards for black customers and sacrifice profits in the interest of race-based reparations...
Last October, AmEx announced a $1 billion “action plan” to increase diversity, invest in more minority-owned businesses and donate to nonprofits that promote “social justice.”
Whether the company will forgo profits or abandon capitalism, as it encourages its employees to do, remains to be seen."