British Social Media Star Gets Plastic Surgery To Now Identify As Korean

Social media influencer Oli London does not want to be identified as any longer as British.

London, who identifies as non-binary, says in the YouTube video that “they” got plastic surgery in order to now identify as Korean.

In the YouTube video, London says:

"I've been very unhappy with who I am deep down for the last eight years and I've had, like, 18 plastic surgeries now...
I've just had a facelift, a brow lift, a temple lift, an eye surgery—a canthoplasty—and my teeth done as well. These are just part of my transition. I'm feeling really good—for the first time in my life I feel beautiful. I'm looking in the mirror and I love the way I look and feel happy, and I hope people can respect my decision.
It's a very tough decision to come out this way, but I am coming out as non-binary. I don't feel I identify as male or female. I just feel like I'm just in the middle and my pronouns are they/them, Korean/Jimin...
I know a lot of people don't understand me, but I do identify as Korean, and I do look Korean now. I do feel Korean. I don't identify as British, so please don't... refer to me as British, because I identify as Korean.
That's just my culture, that's my home country. That's exactly how I look now, and I also identify as Jimin—that's my Korean name... I know it's a little bit confusing for some people. Nobody's ever come out as Jimin or Korean, but this is something that you guys know if you've followed my journey for the last eight years...
I've transitioned to a non-binary person—they/them, Korean/Jimin and I finally have the Korean look, so I'm actually really happy."

Newsweek reports that London,

“…first hit headlines in 2018, when it was revealed that they had spent more than $100,000 on cosmetic surgery to resemble musician Jimin. That amount is now estimated to have exceeded $200,000 in the years since.”

Before and after pictures:

So apparently you can now identify and transition into another race. So I guess Rachel Dolezal is trans-black then.

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