Coming Soon To Texas: Beer & Wine Sales Before Noon On Sundays

Finally state lawmakers here in Texas have us taking baby steps away from this prohibition culture that has permeated our state for nearly nine decades.

The state legislature approves HB 1518 which will allow Texans to buy beer & wine at 10am on Sunday mornings.

Under current law that dates back to post-prohibition, stores can’t sell beer & wine until noon. 

The bill was approved in the House by a vote of 115-24. 

Gov. Greg Abbott is expected to sign the bill which would then take effect on September 1st.

The bill also included an amendment that allows hotels to sell alcohol to hotel guests at any time of day. 

The bill is part of a bigger movement known as “Boot the Ban.” The movement aims to repeal outdated “blue” laws in the Lone Star State. Two bills had recently been introduced to allow for the sale of liquor on Sundays, but they both died stuck in committee.

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