Three College Students Suspended Over Maskless Photo

The politicians have succeeded in turning this country into one of snitches.

Any transgression is reported to authorities where the offender is basically subjected to reeducation.

Three students at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst have been suspended and basically forced to forfeit their $16,000 in tuition after someone reported them to administrators with a photo showing them maskless, outside together at an off-campus event.

CBS Boston reports:

“What also infuriates the parents of the suspended students was video of the UMass Amherst Hockey Team celebrating their national championship on campus. Some students, including some of the players, could be seen not wearing masks.
“I just want the university administration to be equitable and fair,” RJ (the parents didn’t want their last name used) said.
“It’s heartbreaking,” Teresa said.
Since their suspension, the students have been studying remotely at their homes. However, last week they were cut off from virtual learning. They were not allowed to take their finals, so parents say their kids’ semester was a total loss, both financially and academically.
“That negates this whole semester $16,000 of money and they have to reapply for next semester. But they missed housing registration,” Scott said."

Of course, the university refused to refund the $16,000 tuition that the students paid for the semester. Unable to complete their courses because of the suspension, the three women will lose credit for their classes. 

State Sen. Barry Finegold blasts the school for the suspension, saying “University of Massachusetts Amherst, by suspending them, that is a cost to these families of $16,000. That is a huge, hefty penalty for not wearing a mask.” 

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