Portland Mayor Claims He’s Had Enough Of Left-Wing Violence

So who is he going to blame for the ongoing violence and destruction by liberals now that Trump is gone.

Last year, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler blamed the city’s violence on Trump. 

Well, Trump is going and the violence continues.

Last week, a group of around 80 left-wing thugs gathered in Northeast Portland and smashed windows that the Blazers Boys & Girls Club, causing nearly $20,000 in damages to the club.

Mayor Wheeler says: “they want to burn. They want to bash, like they did to the nonprofit Boys and Girls Club in Northeast. Really they want to intimidate. They want to assault.”

He says it’s time to “take our city back”.

This isn’t the first time Wheeler is talking a big game. Back in January, he said “my good-faith efforts at deescalation have been met with scorn by antifa and anarchists bent on destruction. It's time to push back harder." 

Nothing has really change as Antifa has continued to destroy, harass and intimidate.

Well now the Oregonian newspaper reports that Wheeler is telling residents to:

“…note the license plates of people who drive to the events in various neighborhoods and then don all black clothing and grab shields or weapons from their cars. Share those license numbers with police, he said.
If people overhear others bragging about the violence they committed in the city, report it, he said.
“Our job is to unmask them, arrest them and prosecute them,” he said.”

Mayor Wheeler along with Acting Police Chief Chris Davis are expressing frustration that a number of Antifa members have been arrested multiple times without any significant consequences.

It’s no secret that Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt is a supporter of the far-left, violent group. 

Last summer, Schmidt announced that will NOT prosecute felony riot, escape, harassment, interfering with an officer, criminal trespass and a number of other offenses and that charges of assault on an officer will be subject to "high scrutiny”.

The Oregonian article cites a case that Mayor Wheeler and Chief Davis discussed about an Antifa thug who has been arrested three times since June.

Chief Davis highlighted the case of one 23-year-old who has been arrested three times since last June during civil unrest.

"On June 21, Kaiave James Douvia was arrested, accused of advancing on and pushing an officer, according to Davis. He was released on his own recognizance and the case was “no complainted,” or dropped, on Aug. 24, according to court records.
Portland police rearrested Douvia on Nov. 2, when he was accused of breaking the window of a business with a tire iron. The charge was dropped the next day. He was arrested a third time on Jan. 20, accused in the window-smashing at the Democratic Party headquarters in Portland, police said.
Wheeler is even calling for higher bail for antifa thugs arrested, “we’d like to see higher bail for those who are arrested after this kind of activity. We’d like to see tougher pretrial restrictions on those individuals so they don’t just pop right back onto the street and participate the next day. For those who are repeat offenders, I’d like to see tougher sentences.”

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