Clueless Liberals Now Demand That Police Fire Warning Shots In The Air

Again, when your only knowledge of guns comes from cartoon & movies you should probably sit the debate out.

The liberals new answer to policing is to have cops just start firing their guns in the air.

On Fox News, Juan Williams displayed his utter ignorance by saying if he were the cop in Columbus that saved that one girl from being stabbed to death, he’d fire “warning shots” in the air.

He ridiculously says "I guess I would shoot the gun, not necessarily at somebody, but maybe shoot the gun and maybe, you know, run at the person and try to disarm them, I don't know."

Jess Watters incredulously seeks clarification, “so wait wait, you would shoot the gun in the air like a warning shot?"

Williams doubles down saying, “hopefully to distract her and try to stall or something so I could get — or my partner could get the knife away.I don't know, taking someone's life is pretty strong."

Not to be out done, on 'The View' Joy Behar made similar comments, saying the Columbus cop should have just fired his gun in the air.

She actually said:

“I really can’t figure it out anymore. It seems to me ... in a situation ... I’ve looked at the tape and I still can’t figure it out. Shoot the gun in the air, warning, tase a person, shoot them in the leg, shoot them in the behind. Stop them somehow. But if the only solution is to kill a teenager, there’s something wrong with this.”

Yesterday, we covered the fallacy of having police shooting at limbs or to wound.

The Fraternal Order of Police pointed out the sheer stupidity and ignorance of Behar’s comments.

They noted that “[W]arning shots are prohibited by every agency in this country. Also, you might want to take a physics lesson... what goes up, must come down.”

Don't get forget that Biden made similar comments several years ago about recklessly firing warning shots.

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