House Set To Vote On SJL's Slavery Reparations Commission Bill

House Democrats expect “Shirley” Jackson-Lee’s H.R. 40 to pass.

The bill will create a commission to study and implement a system to provide federal reparations to the descendants of black slaves.

The Washington Examiner reports:

“The Judiciary Committee, run by Democrats, is expected to advance the legislation to the House floor in a vote on Wednesday.
While the reparations bill was first introduced more than three decades ago by the late Rep. John Conyers, a Michigan Democrat, the measure gained traction in the last two years after Democrats regained control of Congress and a new racial justice movement spread across the nation.
The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, a Democrat from Texas, told CBS News last week, “The timing is great.”

The CongressWOMAN adds:

“we are now, unfortunately, seemingly going back — massive voter oppression and suppression with legislation across America, the tragedies against black men as it relates to the encounters in law enforcement certainly needs to be repaired, and the disparities in wealth is very stark, even today.The time for H.R. 40 is now."

The Democrat establishment backs the reparations push as both Pelosi & Schumer have expressed their support. The Biden White House has also said that he would sign on to the plan.

The party of Sheila Jackson-Lee. So the Democrats are really going to run on this in 2022.

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